Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


My photo
now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sound Style and Substance meets - VAIO

"The Sound of VAIO
VAIO notebooks have a hidden surprise. When you start up the computer, you hear a unique audio logo (Certain models only) derived from the melody created by the letters V-A-I-O when pressed on an American telephone keypad, a unique and playful means of positioning the VAIO as an entertainment device. " - Excerpt from the VAIO story!

Read more about the inspiration and story behind the brand.
And of course I am proud to be a Vaio notebook user myself and wow it was fascinating to hear that sound when i Powered on my notebook for the first time and now everytime:)

Read the complete VAIO story here

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