Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


My photo
now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Monday, June 02, 2008

A380 flight experience! An amazing experience

The day before i was to start to India i was going through the iterary in a bit detail and was doing the online check in! At that momnt something caught my eyes Aircraft type etween Narita ad Singapore is Airbus Industrie A380. Well any time i came across the term Airbus i had that dream with me of Flying this Jumbo jet the largest commercial airliner in the world. I was confused a bit when i read A380 on the travel plans and double checked online for this and tomy surproise and excitement i found that indeed i am booked on the largest Jumbo jet in the world. one of the four operational with Singapore Airlines.

I was indeed excited and looking forward to it and i got the first glimpse of it as soon as i finished the Seurity check at Narita.Praise God and that was when i was sure Yes i am gonna fly A380 soon. The craft was so huge to capture it close on a single shot! Soon we had the boarding and was inside my gosh on the A380.
I was on the lower deck and seated on 51H.

Some of the snaps from insde and outside the aircraft are added here. The flight was really smooth however the sounds of the hydraulics are too much specially when the wings go in and out and when the landing gears come out. Man! its tremendous thus and the ummmmmmmm and thud sounds. But acceptable considering the huge size they are bearing. Even with Trubulence the flight was shifting like a big boat and overall the flight was really smooth. The descend starts about 30 minutes ahead and considering the size ye it must be required!

I had to have the Kyoto designer meals Japanese style as the international one was over but still with the senior platoon of Singapore airlines hostesses and stewards and an amazing unbeatable Inflight entertainment systyem the flight was just amazing.Well the airhostess was like these Sobas are awesomyou better try it out and i had to agree to her smile :) even if i am not t much a fan of the Japanese Soba.

There were many honey mooners around and SIA was glad to celebrate with them.
I thouroughly enjoyed the flight smooth and it flies lke floating in a big room and amazing entertainment and food with couple of Singapore Slings and a icecream.
Details on the craft here with virtual videos which are amazing to see before you board the caft ! Have fun flying the Airbus way!

Few areas of design may need improvement as it showed specially on the upper luggage doors which were getting locked up,the inflight screen for the first line seaters which are available for public view!, the hard cases below seat for the life jackets, The grring Wing hydraulics (can be excused considering the size of the Jumbo!)and the THUD at which the landing gear is released almost towards the end of the 30 minute Descent!

Rest all of the flight was extra smooth! And of course and experience and a complex designed craft still marking its hours of flight!

All my snaps aailable on Flick here.

More snap on A380 experiences here on flickr group pool!

God always surpirses me with the best at the right time. Really unexpected and previleged t have thiflight on the 11th day of service from Tokyo Narita.Aweome is our Lord and His plans for us! :)

1 comment:

Kaustubh said...

cool man...A380 would have damn cool experience