Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


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now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Smile turns to giggles for me!

I was smiling yesterday but today giggling after reading the article mentioned int he links below! I think we have the right to say 'no' to anything and everything and 'yes' to some things.We are to take our stand clearly.We have as i mentioned before also on my blogs kept quiet many times but no more be available for 'taken for granted'.

Kamal Nath is doing a proper job as per the vision he has put in his book "India's Century". It is important to know the past we have had and what we have withstood. When the developed nations make their claims, they need to know whom they are talkng to and should know that things have changed form their good old days. The latest news i hear is that the WTO talks have collapsed and India and China are being blamed by the developed. We don't even care what they blame on us i should say, and keep our focus to growth and aliveate poverty and stand up on our feet!

Now the news says "WTO talks in Geneva fails after 7 years!" BBC Link here.

Read the Article here. Really made me giggle.

In fact i was smiling when an american journalist was menitioning that even she was surprised to see US trying to force things on India or China known where each of them including themselves stand and that US was trying to get things done the way they want and expect any one to us to obey. She was not able to believe herself!

1 comment:

Kaustubh said...

Primarily, all nations in this world have right to take stand on INternational issues and drive their own policies at national level without fear of opposition from developed nations in the world.
And as you rightly said, India n CHina have grown enough to not only take own decisions but also in a decent position to defend their stand. And i wish if it would have been complete truth. The fact is still that US is not only running its own government but several other governments in the world.
I agree to the fact India has come a long way on path of growth but still US influence can be easily felt in govt decisions taken on issues like national security.
I hope the situation will improve in future.