Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


My photo
now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What if kids like him get to school?

I did have an earlier post on him (link below), but this one is much more an indepth interview.
My question is He could not attend school for some reason, But what if we had send him to school. Could you imagine?
Incase you can my earnest request is to help educate the underpriveleged in ways you can. Specailly the street Children and your support may help some one learn and family could be saved. Empower the ones in need the genration young of our Nation! There are millions of bright minds and intellectuals who never get that previlege unless supported!

Remember there is no investment like Education.Let us invest for our coming generations in th right ways.

The most happiest thing for me is when i see the smile that open heart smile amidst all the tough times. Success to me in one sense means to smile through the tough times! Even if some times I did experience this , I never realised it in words that Success had this form also until one of my great mentors mentioned to me on this!

Note: I am not menitoning he is a street kid but, He does stand for all the kids in India who are not into schools and struggle to meet ends for themselves and their family.Many kids on street and some in to labour to feed their stomach and their families.

My earlier blog on this is here.


Kaustubh said...

rightly said dude...there is no investment like education and lets widen its spread to kids for whom education would be a distant dream..i guess, living life selflessly is a successful life indeed..keep up the spirit and lets do it

Anonymous said...

i'd like to buy one of his fans(..or two)