Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


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now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A changing world!

The days are closer?
The world is changing?
The west has forgot to work the way they should?
Are things being taken for granted?
What would be the world in a few days?
Is change happening to very fast?
Are the identities being diluted and new ones being framed on the International Panorama?
Is Economy the given stamp of power?
What once was looted, has the time come that they all get back it to the owners?

We drove the markets and industries through speculations and patterns. We built up a lot of things and changes the world in the past decade but Now changes in other directions are they happening too fast and its like a slow climb and a free fall?

When there is a Lord and His promises why we still love to speculate?

We still love to speculate, Speculation and that remains the culprit. That seems to be the cards on which the power shift is happening?

Well questions could be lots. But it is sure that this generation has seen change for the god over years and change for the bad over days and even in hours. We made industries such as Investment banks and it is almost the time that such a word has no more identity in world and the power and magnetism of Investment banking seems to be gone! The name seems to be a small word in the whole verse in the big book of the world used in a chapter and forgotten soon.

The perspectives are changing, Limits are being tested, the concepts of management are being re written and the false assumptions are being shaken and pictures are being washes shapeless as a water drenched painting. But till many call it art :)

The world is challenging and this is where the action is! The world markets are blinking all over in red coloured letters and arrows pointing downwards. Well still I would say the opportunities have multiplied in the world today. Why is no one not realising it? Everyone seems to be so mulled by on the crash and the speculations on what next.

Lot of reaction and reactive acts happening in the market and worldwide. Are you thinking this is going to solve the crisis and the recovery is definite? I would say that still the world is not getting what is going wrong.

Is oil the real cause? Is the speculative markets that is the real cause. Is the discrimination and the racial prides still causing the problems? The picture is even bigger. Its pride and fear that the power drains out.

It has been sad to hear of the happenings in India too where lot of Christians are being tortured and churches being gutted and destroyed. Reason??? Even I am not sure why in a secular land these things are happening. Politics, Money, the fear of losing and everything with reactive unthought-of actions by the so called leaders without even managerial capabilities of parties and groups is causing this problem?

The questions are so many ad answers and opinions could be even more.
But I just put them here because we all need to think for some time and pray about them. World changes so suddenly and life changes along with. But there are certain things which never change. The love of our Lord, His forgiveness, His care and grace, His joy and Hope. But still we all are worried.
Why I think we are nothing in front of the mustard seed and it looks impossible that our faith can be as great a a mustard. See our calculations are wrong here boy!
we say we are thinking big but at least as big as a mustard seed?

Matthew 17:19-20 "Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

The point is .
Have the right faith and dependencies.
Know before we react how insignificant our reaction could be but our response may be important.
We need to change or we need to really understand that we have been wrong always.
Believe in the truth and have the faith, Speculations are out of the list of words you would need to use.
The current world is the best filled with opportunities and creative openings The world has ever been better with opportunities.
See the right picture
Management is all about the people and how you keep them and serve them.
Prayer is a definite solution and prayer work itself. Just need to wait in faith.

2008 would be remembered for many things churning, falling and clearing out :) Be a part of it. Hold on to firm things and this is vital to enjoy the ride!
The world being uncertain or we being uncertain? Still we love to speculate, but neatly miss the things which are so definite. Got the faith and nothing else is the winning strategy.

1 comment:

Kaustubh said...

thanks idi...for now you have turned to main stream of blogging by writing things which u actually mean.
Yes, each one of us is his disciple and you have beautifully penned his presence and your feelings for him...
things are definite and we are just fools to speculate or react over them....the best way to live life is to make/break things for well-being of people in this world...and as you said it can only be done if we stick to truth and have faith in its power...for nobody can kill truth...it is self-evident...the human society shall progress only through well-being of all the people living in it...it is not only about west but earth as a whole....for everyone shall see the bright sunrise after the flood of real knowledge washes away all the discrepancies (religious or any other)in the world and in the end ..he'll step down on to the earth again for bestowing his blessings....for he knows that we are truly dependant on him