Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


My photo
now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Shifts....in 40 years?

There it is!.. Some times we need geniuses/experts to speak for people to believe!
Crisp Clear and nicely told by Rosling Hans!
Modern History will repeat and hence be prepared/ be on alert on distractors as usual.

And how did Rosling start off is more interesting! Hear here on how it happened.

And what is interesting is that even in this new order and setup we need and have a lots to learn, learn to accept , to adjust, to cooperate at different levels and many more brilliant things.. Interesting! Human force will be the Engine and Money may be able to buy products and services but it would be a tough bargain for the real brains! Economic shift alone will not be the reason for the power shifts. There are more to it!! Undisclosed ...:)

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