Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


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now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

a strong lady!

A strong woman who shouldered the heaviness of leadership without losing the vision and dreams! @ 2:49 she says her analysis clear. The topic in the clip is around the 71 war though! Many of the resilient systems in the nation was built by her a strong woman and leader surprisingly in soft voice in the interview even when at times it was chaos at macro level. At micro levels visions were dispersed thought at that point and we have come a long way. but still there are micro current dragging growth which i think the coming generations will grow up to see it all as a global citizen the vision and view of all great Indian leaders and it is very right too.

At one point she understood and realized on the visions of Nehru for nation and the scattered and untied hopes of millions had to be built strong and she got strong really strong that it even costed her life.
Even today there are people who view things with a very differently and do not open to understand the visions and the stand of India in the world blinded by micro currents and bursts by local leaders who at times just want to hold on to power and create hype and noise.
But the turbulence of these micro whirls will some day die off and its happening sooner the ever before.
Well Soft and strong a great lady who saw her country to the future and carried the ambition and burden of a million people and their hopes at that time! Today we stand strong even if ppoor because of people like them and many more all across the nation. Lest we forget..

And when the questions get more specific she comes out of her real..wah!
Yes those days where very different when any one said/heard the name India.

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