Times all over the world - An experience as you move on~

The word of our Lord stands for ever!


My photo
now in Hiroshima , Hiroshima Ken, Japan
Me - well a good person but has mine own fantasies and love my privacy and expect everything to happen right at the speed of thought.. Note : hate being insincere.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Visions of our leaders - Ever growing India!!!

A rare interview! Let me say it - True leaders with a vision and who carry that burden in the heart and mind in every step they take is very very rare !

I am so glad i am from a nation where even if people in billions throw crap at their leaders there are true intellects and visionaries and many with superb execution capabilities and Boldness!

Our vision has always been a global one with India's rightful place in the global arena and stand united with its immense diversity at all costs (sacrifices and years of painful efforts was needed)

Shame on those who misuse and try to politicize issues in democracy at personal and religious /communal levels. I hope the great vision builds up more and more as our great leaders had! Where India will be a great friend of humanity and its people will be the most joyous God willing!

I hope and pray our future and younger generations will never forget to understand where and how we came to now! Sacrifices made in the journey, the pains and pangs of a rich democracy a vibrant nation called India where Humanity Thrives for Humanity!

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